Does Hillary think we will listen to her on health care ?
Question by LindaAnn: Does Hillary think we will listen to her on health care ?
She was stupid in 1993 about it.
Will she tell us universal health care will have administrative costs that we pay.
That seniors will not be covered.
That we will pay for it in our income taxes.
Where is all this money going to go to ? Her own private dictatorship.
She will re-write those scripts till she sells her crap.
She never tells the whole story and acts like she does.
Please tell her arrogance has no place here.
Mandatory health care – Oh ok where does that leave the people that can’t afford it.
Will the premiums be paid to the Clinton Insurance Company of America.
Best answer:
Answer by Sarah
There are some uninsured people who are so desperate they just might. But I don’t think her whole package of ideas is desirable to enough voters.
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