‘Dopey’ Sylvester Stallone- Made his Dream of Stardom a Must
‘Dopey’ Sylvester Stallone- Made his Dream of Stardom a Must
Surely one of the best examples of the power of commitment and how ‘doing whatever it takes will get you what you want’ is the story of Sylvester Stallone.
At his peak, Stallone was one of the most popular and highly paid stars in Hollywood, commanding a fee of USm per movie. Was he just born under a lucky star? Was he a naturally talented actor? Was he at the right place at the right time? Hardly. He was someone who seemed to have all the odds stacked up against him.
His family was so poor that his mother had to give birth to him on the doorsteps of a school. A blotched delivery by students caused a facial nerve to be severed, leaving him paralyzed on the right side of his face. As a result, Stallone had to live the rest of his life with slurred speech. He even had to deal with having a drooping lower lip and being made fun of because of