Drug companies control the FDA and pass off their poison with a federal rubber stamp why do we let this happen
Question by Baby Raptor: Drug companies control the FDA and pass off their poison with a federal rubber stamp why do we let this happen
Avandia and Actos are clearly labelled poison after years of hype about how great they are for you. Will people begin to realize drug companies are in it for the cash only? They supress evidence that what they sell is highly dangerous while showing on commercials the happy heathy people that you imagine are actually taking these medications.
thats just the heart failure part
heres the whole part about heart attacks
Best answer:
Answer by Chi Guy
It is a crime and a half. Yet Condi Rice stated on national TV that Canadian drugs are unsafe. These people are lying to keep the Pharm companies in the $ 100s of billions in profit margin
edit: Sad to hear about jb’s mom…
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