Energy Enhancement Meditation Incredibly Profitable and Successful Movie List: American Beauty.
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Energy Enhancement Meditation Incredibly Profitable and Successful Movie List: American Beauty.
What makes a good movie? And what makes an Incredibly Profitable and Successful Movie? Because usually, the two go together, unless the bad guys against evolution successfully oppose.
The Three Major themes of Enlightenment are..
1. Opening the Heart
2. The Mastery of Relationships.
3. Life and Death and Enlightenment.
And all truly good and Incredibly Profitable and Successful Movies contain all these three themes and some spiritual instruction of a major thoughtform which needs to be entered into the consciousness of humanity.
At this moment, fifty percent of humanity have not as yet successfully Opened their Hearts. These people will enjoy, as Shakespeare said, “Movies full of Sound and Fury, Signifying Nothing” which include the vast majority of all movies.
These fifty percent of people including all levels of the