euronews focus – Deauville: the new Davos for Women in business Around a thousand participants from the world of business gathered in Deauville Northern France, for the eighth edition of the Women’s Forum, otherwise known as ‘Davos for women ‘. The hot topic was the pursuit of economic growth, the big question: “what does 2013 hold in store?” “I think we can say with very little doubt that 2013 will certainly be the worst year of the short term since the beginning of the European crisis. It won’t be as bad as in 2008-2009 after the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy, but we will certainly live through a bad year because despite the good intentions of the European Central Bank, in spite of the support that will no doubt be given to Spain in the coming weeks – in any case we must hope so – the budgetary drain that has been ongoing will continue and it will probably reach a peak. 2013 will be the year where everyone feels the pinch,” explains Daniel Cohen, Economist. An example used at the event has been businesses that focus on globalisation to ensure they go on developing new markets even when traditional ones are in crisis. Publicis is the world’s third largest communications group. Jean-Yves Naouri, is the company’s COO. He talks to euronews about Publicis’ plans to weather the economic storm: “Overall there has been, of course mature markets hit by the crisis, reducing public deficits, debt management, there are a lot of precautionary attitudes from the economic players. Emerging markets that continue to have growth may be …
Go to for EconStories content and materials. Produced by Emergent Order. Visit us at http “Fight of the Century” is the new economics hip-hop music video by John Papola and Russ Roberts at According to the National Bureau of Economic Research, the Great Recession ended almost two years ago, in the summer of 2009. Yet we’re all uneasy. Job growth has been disappointing. The recovery seems fragile. Where should we head from here? Is that question even meaningful? Can the government steer the economy or have past attempts helped create the mess we’re still in? In “Fight of the Century”, Keynes and Hayek weigh in on these central questions. Do we need more government spending or less? What’s the evidence that government spending promotes prosperity in troubled times? Can war or natural disasters paradoxically be good for an economy in a slump? Should more spending come from the top down or from the bottom up? What are the ultimate sources of prosperity? Keynes and Hayek never agreed on the answers to these questions and they still don’t. Let’s listen to the greats. See Keynes and Hayek throwing down in “Fight of the Century”! Starring Billy and Adam from http Visit for the full lyrics.