Exodar Disco

Draenei Lore, wearing shiny pants! (Im not sure how better to describe this) 😛 I was halfway through recording this on the old PC (with ProTools LE) when I shelved it for Scarlet Toy, then decided to overhaul and upgrade my entire music studio/DAW-thingy. This meant I had to learn from scratch once more, but I doooo love Logic Pro Studio. Exodar Disco has a lot of audio files from the old sessions, combined with newer stuff created on the Mac. I guess its been a fickle indulgence while Ive been educating myself. Again 😛 While all this was happening, I discovered the awesomeness that is Emberisolte (see Youtube user EmberIsolte). I sent her a hello and asked if shed like to try a vocal spot sometime, and luckily she agreed – she loves the Draenei so it was meant to be! Also upgraded to Sony Vegas Pro (inspired by Disani/Ravensylphe, who produces machinima for Ember, among other things – see YouTube user RavensylpheG). Gone are the days of Windows Movie Maker (although I shall remember them fondly, all you Spacebar Clowns!) So lots of shiny new buttons to press! Lots of overcooked silliness! Laser-Chickens in a spaceship! Did you recognise the three-note Sci-fi shoutout at the start of the song, before you heard the final two notes in the sequence at the end? (No, its not the Bananaphone song.) And then there’s the The Barrens Brothers, Porterhouse and Monty, my imaginary Country & Western Hordies. For some reason, they took on a life of their own while I was CGI-ing them …
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