Expand Your Mindset, Then Attract Money
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I already have INTO that person.
Sometimes “great” qualified leads are so qualified that they use DISCIPLINE and do not foolishly toss money into a business overnight.
They are successful BECAUSE they know that a fool and his money often separate.
Mark this down. GREAT PROSPECTS for your business take the longest time to enroll.
,000 Tip:
Great prospects are waiting to see if you, their potential business leader will follow-up with them AFTER they reject your initial offer.
GREAT leads are looking to see if you are a PRO or someone new and doing this business as a money hobby.
Learn (Use) The Josephine MindSet
I always looked to INCLUDE everyone. Not recruit them. I looked to include people into my WORLD.
How’s THAT for BIG thinking. My “own world.”
Therefore I looked to
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