Expand Your Mindset, Then Attract Money
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everyone else is doing and do the exact opposite.
Always a pleasure to serve you!
Josephine Bottger
The zombies of the home business industry (those who follow simply because they need an identity and think they can find that in a leader who talks rags to riches) will never understand the above until they have been introduced to my Mindset and read my writings daily for about 2 months…
Well..It is simple..
What you have been taught for 20 years of your life is not the correct way to approach people for business in today’s competitive society…marketing is not about the 3 foot rule (talk to anyone within 3 feet of yourself)
It is not about introducing people to a cash flow class…It is not about sending people to your website..Most of the websites we see on the internet are SICK..All they
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