Expand Your Mindset, Then Attract Money
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trying to publicly document is that for EXTREME response (cause and effect) to occur, you need to use FORCE and ENERGY.
This is what I teach my private one-on-one coaching call.
#1: people who live from the OUTSIDE in are “no one is home” (blank) when it comes to UNIVERSAL law. They think the only way to pay for things is through push-n-grunt.
Those kinds of time-clock punchers pray to the gods of struggle every time they wait upon someone ELSE to pay their bills.
Those “other” people are called bosses. And they employ the 97% who argue against prosperity.
#2: WEALTHY people, are working from the INSIDE out. In other words, their lives are based in spiritual law. That’s living from the INSIDE out.
” Josephine are you saying that success and attracting heaps of money has to be a spiritual experience?”
The Answer: Well of
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