Expand Your Mindset, Then Attract Money
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life that gives evidence to what you believe will come true.
Now do I have your attention?
Ok, let me show you how to ATTRACT more people and attract money now if you are looking to start a business.”
Lets look at how I used UNIVERSAL WISDOM to double my income, triple the vacations I had and how I used STRESS upon Universal Law to obligate success.
“The Simplest Explanation is Usually The Closest Thing To The Truth.”
What you EXPAND attracts.
Most Networkers and people who are marketing a business opportunity expand very little.
They place ads, hound people’s voice-mail (most aren’t home anyway) and they beg and plead with folks to hop onto one of their company scripted low-energy no passion conference calls.
Here is what I did to Expand My Mindset And Attract Money
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