Features to Look For in a Web Hosting Package
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then downloads the 4MB Music File it will cost you 6MB of bandwidth in total. Times that by ten customers and it would cost you 60MB of bandwidth in total.
5,000MB (5GB) of web space divided by 6MB (1 Music Product Web Page and 1 Music File) equals 833 possible customers. It is not that simple though. Why? Because not all 833 possible customers will download 1 Music Product Web Page and 1 Music File, especially if they have to buy the Music File.
Some might view (download) the Music Product Web Page more than once (i.e. read it more another day) while others might download the Music File more than once (download it for their family and friends), especially if it is free to download. So you might end up with customers who view the Music Product Web Page only but do not download the (Buy Now!) Music File and vice versa. Hence why selling something on the internet
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