Features to Look For in a Web Hosting Package
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Music, you should be looking at 100-500 MegaBytes of web space depending on the number of music files and their file size combined of course.
50 – 500MB Web Space
POP3 E-Mail Accounts
POP3 is the protocol (format) used to describe Incoming/Receiving E-Mail Accounts that can be incorporated into an E-Mail Client (program) such as Outlook Express, Windows Mail and Mozilla Thunderbird. In other words. You can read your website e-mails from within those programs using the POP3 protocol.
The number listed next to a POP3 Accounts description will be the maximum number of E-Mail Addresses (E-Mail Accounts) you can set up for your website. IMAP is another protocol.
The minimum number of POP3 E-Mail Accounts needed in todays climate should be at least four – sales@…, info@…, contact@… and support@… Not to mention any e-mail
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