Film Making Courses: Film Making tips
Film Making Courses: Film Making tips
In this instalment of film making tips, I want to go over the story.
I can’t stress this enough. You MUST have a story worth telling.
Let me ask you a question. Let’s say you went to a person’s house and he started telling you about his trip to the supermarket. He started it something like this.
“I went to my local ShopRite to buy some food. First, I went down the produce lane and got some bananas and oranges. Then I went to the bread aisle and picked up a loaf of whole wheat.”
And this went on and on and on through his entire shopping experience. Wouldn’t you be bored to tears? Would you even want to hear about his whole shopping experience? If you went to a movie and the movie itself was JUST like this, wouldn’t you get up and walk out?
Okay, let’s take the same premise, going shopping, but add a little twist to it that
makes the story worth telling. What if the person started his story like this.
“Did I ever tell you about the time when I went to the supermarket to buy a loaf a bread and came home a multi millionaire?”
Do you not think that you’d be intrigued enough to at least want to find out how this person goes to the store to by bread and comes home a multi millionaire? I know I’d want to hear every last detail, especially if they are nice and juicy.
Okay, so right there, we have a story worth telling. That doesn’t mean we can’t screw up the telling of the story itself, but at least we have something to start with that has a lot of potential.
You MUST have something to tell that is going to get people interested or there is no point in telling it.
For some great film making instruction, check out this great site.
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To YOUR Film Making Success,
Ryan Hepler
Ryan Hepler Reviews various film making courses in order to inform rising film makers on how to best develop the necessary film making skills without having to spent large sums of money in traditional film school. To find out more, visit Ryan’s site on Film Making Courses.
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