Financial or Multi-Dimensional Crisis?
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re-designated by media and foreign policy as ‘war of terrorism’ so that we can invest in them.
In addition, the present economic structuring of society contributes to inequality of haves and have-nots, which expose huge sections of the human population, including children, to “a permanent crisis”. And, many more to periodic cycles of economic and financial crises. According to a 1999 United Nations report, ‘the income gap between the fifth of the worlds’ people living in the richest countries and the fifth in the poorest doubled from 1960 to 1990, from 30 to I to 60 to 1. By 1998, it had jumped again, with the gap widening to an astonishing 78 to 1′.
In a deeper sense, and as a growing critique of the indigenous people movement of the dominant economic development paradigm, we have lost touch with the older holistic cosmology to the present
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