Financial or Multi-Dimensional Crisis?
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poor among us as a given. And that is ok even though they are, in a sense, in a perpetual crisis — no permanent shelter, no food security, no regular contractual jobs and no secured future. No problems with that!
Somehow their suffering is never seen as a crisis. It is a given part of the system, and we are hardly shaken by it. The billions in this reality are never a focus of the mainstream media.
For the poor, crisis is the way life is, and they handle it for themselves and their families on a day-to-day basis. Every day is an uphill task and for hundreds of thousands of people (including many children) across the globe, this could mean going to bed hungry.
It is estimated that more than 1 billion people are chronically hungry across the world. For millions of people, there is already no food security. Even in the supposedly wealthy US, it is
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