Five Easy Steps to Make the Law of Attraction Work For You As You Learn the Law of Non-Resistance
Five Easy Steps to Make the Law of Attraction Work For You As You Learn the Law of Non-Resistance
The Law of Attraction works, but it does not work alone. It only works consistently when supported by eleven other laws that were never mentioned in the movie, The Secret. One of these is the Law of Non-Resistance. While it was not mentioned by name in the movie, The Secret, it was alluded to.
Do you remember the part where the movie discusses the usual solutions to problems?
Poverty? – The solution was to declare a War on Poverty.
Result? – More poverty.
Drugs? – The solution was to declare a War on Drugs.
Result? – More illegal drugs.
Cancer? – The solution was to declare a War on Cancer.
Result? – More cancer.
As the saying goes, “What you resist – persists.”
Any situation that you dislike in your life can be changed, but there are a few steps you have to take before you can use the Law of
Attraction to change it into what you want it to be.
Step One:
Accept responsibility for it. You brought it into your life through the misuse of the Law of Attraction. This is not said with the idea of blaming yourself for it. You did not know what you were doing at the time. The minute you accept your responsibility for it, you have done yourself a wonderful favor. You have acknowledged that within you there is an unlimited power that enabled you to create this.
Step Two:
Decide what you would like the new situation to be like. Go into detail. Look, not at the difficulties that would be involved in changing the situation, but rather, the end result. If everything about it was exactly the way you would like it to be, what would it look like? How would people act? How would others react to you when they realize how
things have changed for you? Let your imagination flow freely and without self-censorship. Bring as many of your senses into play as you possibly can.
Step Three:
Write it down, but write it in the present tense, as if it is already a fact in your life. Use adjectives if they strike an emotional chord when you write. For example, instead of, “I now have a good job with a great pay” you might find it more appealing to you if you try writing something like, “I am deliriously happy with my new job that pays me such a lavish salary.” This is not the time to be practical, – this is something new and wonderful that you are creating. Pull out all the stops.
Step Four:
Get pictures to help impress your mind, in particular your subconscious mind, with your new situation. Stick them onto a sheet of letter-size paper, or
larger. It is often better to choose the smaller size, because you can find a way to carry it around with you. You will find that getting those pictures onto your computer first will be a big advantage, because you can resize them to fit onto whatever size paper you choose. Write at the top of this paper the positive phrase that you have decided on in Step Three.
Step Five:
Place the paper near your bedside, so it is the first thing you see when you wake up in the morning, and the last thing you see before you drift off to sleep at night. Carry it with you during the day. Whenever the unpleasant situation comes to mind, take a minute a look at the sheet of paper, with the positive affirmation on it, and the pictures of how you have decided to change this to your liking. Under no circumstances are you to try and resist the situation. Just accept
that you inadvertently used the Law of Attraction to bring it into your life, for whatever reason(s), and that you are now using the same power to transform it into what you want.
If you are interested in more in-depth information on the Law of Attraction, please visit
Bea Magnan has been fascinated with anything and everything to do with Metaphysics, the mind, and the power of thought ever since someone gave her a copy of Claude M. Bristol’s, “The Magic of Believing.”
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