FOOD, INC. — ReThink Review

Imagine a world where the food you ate was secretly replaced with a factory-created artificial replica that looked, smelled, and tasted just like the original, sometimes even better. But most of this fake food, including the meat, was made of only one or two plant-based materials and a gang of weird chemicals, and if you ate enough of it, it would slowly kill you through a range of terrible diseases. Well guess what America? You currently live in such a bizarro world! The nearly complete industrialization and corporatization of our food system is one of America’s darkest, deadliest, and best-kept secrets, and the important new documentary FOOD, INC. seeks to expose it by asking questions you’d think we’d already have the answers to — how is our food made, who’s making it, and what the hell are they putting in it? For more ReThink Reviews, the only (and, therefore, best) political movie reviews anywhere, go here Follow ReThink Reviews on Twitter at You can also read my reviews on the Huffington Post at
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Gary Rosenzweig reviews the speech recognition software MacSpeech Dictate.