Forza Motorsport 4 – GC 2011: Making of Series – Hockenheim Track (German subtitles) | OFFICIAL | HD

Visit the beautiful Hockenheim track both in and out of game in the Forza MotoSport 4 Gamescom 2011 Developer Diary. —GERMAN— Schau dir die wunderbare Hockenheim Strecke sowohl innerhalb als auch außerhalb des Spiels in der Forza Motorsport 4 Gamescom 2011 Entwickler Tagebuch an. ABOUT THIS GAME ************************ Forza Motorsport 4 which will launch for Xbox 360 with Kinect support on October 11 (North America) and October 14th 2011 (Europe). In the game you can create a Car Club and build the ultimate dream team of drivers, tuners and painters from the Forza community. With the all-new Rivals Mode, you can play against your friends whether they are online or not by challenging them for bragging rights and rewards in a variety of different game types. The all new World Tour Mode boasts new tracks, unending choice and hundreds of hours of gameplay as you travel the globe with your favorite car. Forza Motorsport 4 ************************ GENRE: Racing RELEASE DATE(S): + US: October 11, 2011 + EU: October 14, 2011 PLATFORM: Xbox 360 w/ Kinect Support EXCLUSIVELY ON: Xbox 360 w/ Kinect Support WEBSITE: AVAILABLE @ AMAZON: PUBLISHER: Microsoft DEVELOPER: Turn 10 Studios ESRB: RP for Rating Pending XboxViewTV on FACEBOOK *********************************** XboxViewTV ON TWITTER *******************************