Fret-Free Tele-Selling for the Reluctant Rep
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later. And tele-selling is not a one-shot deal.)
And you should never – never – adapt the hard sell persona of the archetypal double glazing sales rep. (So banish expressions like ‘this offer ends today’ from your repertoire. The modern consumer is way more sophisticated.)
For the rest: Just be natural, sincere, and honest. Sure, you’ll be nervous the first few times. That’s natural. But your nervousness won’t come across. (You never sound as bad as you think you do.)
Before you take that first leap into the unknown, you’ll need to create a plan with measurable goals. And to develop your own lead tracking system (software or paper-based, whatever works) to monitor and review your success.
But don’t get bogged down in planning at the expense of action (as so many less than committed
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