Fret-Free Tele-Selling for the Reluctant Rep
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tele-sellers do). The math isn’t difficult.
Let’s take the example of a one-person enterprise – a ‘consultant’, say – and calculate what she needs to do, tele-selling wise, to achieve her goals. We’ll keep it simple. But you can adapt the model to suit your purposes.
For the sake of this exercise, we’ll say our not-so-humble consultant wants to achieve a pre-tax profit of £50,000 per annum. To do this, she needs to gross £120,000 per annum. And her average project value is £5,000. OK… Here’s how it works:
Profit target £50,000
(per annum)
No. of project sales required to achieve target 24
(per annum) i.e.: £120,000/£5,000
Lead conversion rate 10%
based on experience of face-to-face presentation:conversion ratios
Required no. of face-to-face presentations 240
(per annum) i.e.: 10x annual
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