From Lyrics to Scripts — Musicians Who Became Actors
From Lyrics to Scripts — Musicians Who Became Actors
Some musicians who’ve made the leap into acting have done it with the skill of an Olympic gold medalist. They’ve amazed audiences with such great silver screen performances that their lines could be lyrics. Their acting has eclipsed their musical career to the point where we often forget they were ever musicians in the first place — or that some still are. Here are a few cinema stars whose on-screen performances could rival their best music and lyrics:
Mark Wahlberg
Opening scene: camera pans around an arena filled with music fans. Cut to close-up of musicians onstage: Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch. Yes, the rapper formerly known as Marky Mark is now the acclaimed, gifted actor, Mark Wahlberg. As Marky Mark, he earned a #1 hit with the platinum single, “Good Vibrations.” And with these