Grade Schooler Faq


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/>With one and the same twins, if one have dyslexia, will the other one enjoy it as capably?
no No not other i know identical twins one does have it along with aspergers but the other does not If it happened before the egg split then yes but I own seen identical twins were on is autistic an the other isn’t. the…

Worried more or less going to sleep-away military camp can any one bestow some honourable suggestion?
Hey I’m 12 and I’m going to sleep-away camp tomorrow. I’m worried that I won’t have any friends, and that I’ll be really homesick, can any one offer some worthy advice about how to make friends and not be homesick… or can any one enlighten me their sleep-away camp…

Would a 13 year dated boy monitor or close to the movie my sisters warden?
EVERY family should see that

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