Guide to Rank Your 3D Movie List
Guide to Rank Your 3D Movie List
A growing number of 3D movies are invading the entertainment industry today. And it seems there are no complaints regarding this. People seem to love the new invaders. This is really good news for the people behind the production of such movies. A lot of people going to the theaters just to be able to watch the 3d movies would mean a lot of money for them! Because of this, there is just no wonder why the 3d movie list is getting longer and longer each passing year. Now speaking of the list, it is always better and more informative if the movies there are ranked according to their quality and impact. The following could be our criteria for judging.
The Storyline
We should not just let the use of 3D technology to be the only basis for a movie’s goodness. Besides, we are making a comparison of 3d movies so saying that the movie is good
because it is 3D is somewhat irrelevant. Always make sure that you look at the flow story—how it unfolds and how it ends. Is the flow so predictable? Does it have the so called originality? Does it make you think? These should be the question that we should be asking to ourselves. After all, the movie’s story is the most important element. It is the most fundamental. Without it, nothing will be viewed and there is nothing for the actors and actresses to act out. So it really has to be good and worth the hour or so of attention.
The Cinematography
Of course, always be conscious of where the camera focuses its lenses. Are we given the right perspective? Does the camera position help us understand the story better or just cause confusion? Now, all movies might be very good at this. However, we could not just take this for granted because
this is really very important. Who knows? Someone out there may find the camera positioning of a certain movie to annoying or too shaky that it dampens his or her mood all through out.
Now, the criteria that we gave are just the ones that we think are the most important. Of course, you are welcome to omit something or add another, as long as we have concrete basis for the rankings that we have in our 3d movie list.
Paul has been writing articles for the past 3 years. Check his latest website over at which gives people the information they need about 3D Movie List.
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