Hamari Devrani – 7th December 2011

The Investigation Officer condemns Mohan for using inferior quality raw materials to produce pappads and make huge profits out of greed. Mohan confronts Ayush and Tejas with their careless decision making and disastrous management of the pappad company. Ayush and Tejas plead innocence and act offended by Mohan’s accusation. They blame the manager for the mistakes and accuse him of accepting bribe from the suppliers. Manjula tells her sons that she had sent the Investigation Officer to Mohan’s company. Mohan tells Vrinda that he had worked hard to build his pappad company and now it is in jeopardy. Manjula brags to her sons and sisters-in-law that she had caused Mohan’s downfall with her clever ploy. She tells them that the Investigation Officer is her friend’s husband. Vrinda vows to Mohan that Ayush and Tejas will to answer to her for jeopardizing the company. Alpa and Jalpa taunt Vrinda with the Laddu Gopal pappad company’s bad reputation and loss, in front of the family.