Has Hilary Duff been making movies,cd’s….etc?
Question by jazzy <3: Has Hilary Duff been making movies,cd’s….etc?
I really miss her but I guess it’s like Miley Cyrus she’s been the big thing for about 3 years but if you pay close attention to magazines she’s been losing her popularity(Miley Cyrus).
But anyways I really miss Hilary Duff and her sister Hailey.I loved their songs and movies.
Anybody know if she’s been doing any movies,songs or anything like that lately?
Thanks a million!!
Best answer:
Answer by Stigmata SRV09
Stay Cool (2009) (post-production) …. Shasta O’Neil
What Goes Up (2008) (post-production) …. Lucy
Foodfight! (2008) (completed) (voice) …. Sunshine Goodness
Greta (2008) (completed) …. Greta
War, Inc. (2008) …. Yonica Babyyeah
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