Has there ever been a making of the making of the making of… etc.movie or documentary?
Question by Jim: Has there ever been a making of the making of the making of… etc.movie or documentary?
What is the furthest back independent or professional cinema has ever done? Like a movie made about the making of the previous making of a documentary. What if there was a tv show that just did nothing but tell you how they made previous weeks show?
Best answer:
Answer by TIGER 221
“Fitzcarraldo” by Werner Herzog
The movie is the real life story about Brian Sweeney Fitzgerald who attempted to bring opera to his part of South America by dragging a 350 ton boat over land from one river system to another.
Director Les Blenk filmed a documentary on the “making” of Fitzcarraldo
entitled, “Burden of Dreams”
Herzog himself used scenes from “Burden of Dreams” in HIS autobiographical movie titled “Portrait”
That’s the longest chain I could find of a documentary of a documentary of the story of an actual event.
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