Here’s Why You’re Not Making Money Selling Wholesale Products
Here’s Why You’re Not Making Money Selling Wholesale Products
If you’re reading this you must be an entrepreneur at heart. I’ll take a well educated guess that you’re committed to making a solid income with your own business and if you’re interest is in selling items online you’ll definitely want to read this. There are a multitude of ways to make money online and some of the more popular ones involve buying items from wholesalers then selling those items with adjusted margins for profit.
Simply put, I buy this from you for $ 1 dollar and I sell it for $ 2. It sounds easy, it looks easy, but trust me there’s a lot more to it.
Things you should know: There are thousands of wholesalers some online and some that are not. Some offer different services like drop shipping. For the uninformed, that means for a reasonable price they’ll ship your items directly to your customers, which is convenient and cheaper in most cases, because you don’t incur the charges of stocking and storage fees. A good wholesaler is a rare commodity and a well guarded secret. It practically has to be for continuation in making good profits. So you can conclude part of becoming a good online merchant requires finding a good wholesaler. I’ll brush up more on the topic of finding a good wholesaler in a later article. For now I’ll grant you already have a decent wholesaler you’re purchasing items from.
We arrive at the big question: Well, how do I make money online? Your first thought might be ebay and sure you can sell on Amazon, PriceGrabber, or any other popular web store or auction site. And there are truth behind the claims, you can make profits from selling from these sites, but how do you do it? Remember, when you buy an item for $ 1 and sell it for $ 2, you made a $ 1 profit but don’t be fooled by this simple math equation, there are many other factors you’ll want to look into. The most important concept to understand as an online merchant is the term “ROI” or Return On Investment. Let’s calculate that previous math equation again where you made $ 1 profit. Now ask yourself, how much time did I spend to make that profit and how many fee’s did it cost me to make that profit? Looking at the math now exposes the profit of $ 1 as an actual loss on your end. Keep reading soon you’ll start to see the big picture.
Understanding ROI will save you loads of cash! If you ever wonder why people are making money online and you are not, maybe it’s because they’re understanding something you’re not and I’ll tell you what it is, and that is, time is money. That’s right your time equals money. If I stay home all day and make a $ 20 profit after working 6 hours, I will consider that a loss. And you might think in your head you’d never do something like that, but hundreds of people do it each day unintentionally because they want their online businesses to succeed. What ends up happening is, they work harder to keep the business afloat and unknowingly fall into a downward spiral of failure and wasted income.
Another concept to understand: Every time you sell a product on a third party website someone made a profit. After, insertion fees, closing fees, commission fees, wholesaler fees, drop ship fees, shipping fees and shopping cart fees, was it you? When you sell on a third party website that website made their money off of you upfront not to mention their commission rate off of the final sale. All of these fee’s cause you to increase your selling prices and reduce your margin of profit, while your competitors sell below wholesale value and dominate the market. So how does the small guy win?
Here are three smart options for newbies:
1) You start your own web store and sell everything your wholesale supplier offers you.
2) You start your own web store and sell a special item in an attempt to dominate a specific section of the market.
3) You start your own web store and sell a unique item only you have possession over and dominate the whole market.
Out of those three options which one sounds the best? Obviously number 3, because you are now in control.
Option #1 doesn’t work unless you’re planning to compete against Wal-Mart and Amazon.
Option #2 seems to work better but your competition can still under sell you at any given time.
Option #3 allows you to sell an item that poses no competition allowing you to control your income.
A diamond doesn’t reach full potential until it’s professionally cut, think of this concept in the same way. I can’t tell you what to sell online, but if it’s unique it has a higher percentage of making you more money. What I have just revealed to you as simple as it sounds, is a concept thousands of new online merchants are not understanding. Ask yourself, how hard is it to find a cool item that few people know about? There are thousands of new products that have the potential to make you a successful online seller.
Here’s the tricky part: If your item is too unique, people won’t generally be searching for it. The solution is, knowing there are many free and inexpensive ways to drive targeted traffic to your website, like writing ezines, posting in forums, writing blogs and promoting on social network sites like myspace and facebook.
Also, understand you’ll need to market your item and create a need for it. There are no short cuts to success here. Write well versed scripts and put a 100% into every product you endorse. That means pictures and or video, good product information and having a way for your customers to have direct contact with you. I sincerely hope this information has exposed you to a new exciting way of selling products online and good luck. Please feel free to email me anytime, with any questions or comments.
-Craig Summers
My name is Craig Summers and thanks for stopping by. I’m always glad to share my experiences and expertise with new comers. The internet is the greatest learning resource we have today and I’m proud to be a contributor this time around. Please make sure to email me with any comments or questions.
Article Source: SBI! TORTOISE TIP #7 Do you want to increase your website’s Conversion Rate? A video is a great way to warm up your visitors and create an open-to-buy mindset. Anyone can do it. Follow the 5 simple pointers in this video and start shooting! Video marketing is a huge part of social marketing these days. Interacting with potential customers via videos lets them get to know you, the real person behind the website. Videos make it easy to connect with your visitors, whether they are how-to or general information videos. And the best news? You don’t need many to build visitor trust and credibility. Follow these 5 pointers to add professional-looking videos to your marketing mix… 1. Purchase a decent camera. A nice, inexpensive Flip or Kodak Zi8 will do. Even many of the higher end smart phones are producing awesome HD video. If your camera supports an external mic, use it. 2. Create the right lighting. Make your scene nice and bright through natural lighting or well-placed three point lighting. 3. Script what you wish to cover, but not your entire spiel. Having a few solid bullet points you want to hit will keep your video on track without making you sound robotic or scripted. 4. Keep your videos under 2 to 3 minutes. Any longer than that and you will quickly lose your viewers’ attention. Another website, another video, another playlist… they are only a click away. 5. BE YOURSELF! Through video, people can see sincerity or insincerity a mile away. Add some …
Question by : Best ecommerce solution for my needs?
Best ecommerce solution for my situation?
Ideally I want an ecommerce system that fulfills these requirements:
seamless integration with paypal
Ability to add discount codes/coupons (in pounds not just dollars)
At the moment I will be selling just one ebook therefore I need a system that can securely deliver the product to my customers after paypal has received payment and has an expiration time or a download limit to prevent it from being shared.
No file size limit for the ebook (even over 500mb)
I am using wordpress therefore I just want a link to an order page that I can then add a link to on a buy button I already have on my site rather than having to send a link to an online store like digiSHOP offers.
Ideally it would be free or the cost would be as little as possible and would NOT be a monthly sum but either a small one time payment or a small percentage of each sale
Finally I want it to be relatively easy to set up or there to be online tutorials as I don’t have a great knowledge of programming or scripting.
Thanks alot in advance, I know that these criteria are quite specific but I would be grateful if I anyone would provide any suggestions or give their opinion on the ones i am already considering. So far some of the ones I am considering are: zencart, plimus (however this is quite expensive), bytecommerce, idev-digivendor 5.0, magento and dlguard.
Best answer:
Answer by Smelly Cat
Look at – it’s a plugin for wordpress. If you used a plugin like s2member as well I think you’d be pretty darn close to what you want.
There’s also
ANother plugin – wp-ecommerce – (don’t use this one if you’re fond of your hair)
You will not find an ecommerce solution that will not take the customer off of your site. In order to pay they have to be taken from your site (unless you’re a bank, of course.)
Give your answer to this question below!
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Price: $ 7.44 Overcoming Objections- La Rosa Realty presents a class on how to learn how to Overcome Objections with the help of David Knox. David Knox began selling real estate in 1972, and shortly after became a manager of a Real Estate branch office. Soon after that he created a four-week training program for a large independent company in Minneapolis named Burnet Realty. In 1983, Burnet Realty was purchased by Merrill Lynch Realty Associates, at the time of the purchase he was named National Training Director which led him to create a training program that was used by 33 Merrill Lynch Realty Associates offices. As a Certified Residential Specialist (CRS) instructor for the National Association of Realtors® (NAR), David became the Course Chairman and Faculty Chairman. In those positions he wrote the courses and outlines for RS201, RS202 and RS203…outlines that are still used today. In 1987, he founded David Knox Productions, Inc. and has been writing seminars and video training programs. He is also known for his line of consumer videos including “Pricing Your Home to Sell.” Whether you’ve just started, or have been in this business for years, you will learn methods for generating leads, securing listings, working with buyers and managing your business. David Knox delivers his best training through online videos varying in length from short 8-minute segments for quick meetings up to 23 minutes for training sessions. The average length is about 15 minutes. The …
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