how can i make my flip camera movie not have the scenes blend?
Question by Mike: how can i make my flip camera movie not have the scenes blend?
im making a movie for school using the camera and the way we shot it was it relyed and abrupt stops and little cutscenes popping in but it blends it were the last second of each scene is blended with the first of the next scene. can i make it so it stop and starts no blending?
Best answer:
Answer by Mandy
You did not state what video editing program you used but it sounds like the clips were slightly overlapped on the Time-line or a default transition was used like cross fade and the default was set to put the transition between each clip. Or the video clip(s) may not contain enough frames so when you apply a transition it is too short to cover the transition duration and thus frames will be repeated to cover the duration, which can give you the effect you experienced.
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