How come my Kodak easy share camera wont let me edit them on Windows Movie Maker answer fast?
Question by Kailyn: How come my Kodak easy share camera wont let me edit them on Windows Movie Maker answer fast?
I love making movies and I recently broke my moms camera and I have my own camera I bought to make movies this a while back but it wont let me upload it to the movie maker my moms camera would work but not my kodak and I would really like to get it to work if that is possible it doesn’t work with WMM or power directore is used to work withPowerr director but itdoesn’tt anymore please help
Best answer:
Answer by Little Dog
Kodak cameras save highly compressed video to mov file format.
To playback the video, download and install the free QuickTime player
To edit the video in MovieMaker, the mov file needs to be converted to something MovieMaker can deal with… I like MPEG StreamClip
After the file is converted you can drag that converted video to the “Collections” area.
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