How do actors study/memorize scripts?
Question by ♥☼♫ Kayla ♥☼♫: How do actors study/memorize scripts?
I am only in 8th grade and we are doing a school play. The play is called Much Ado About Nothing. My character is Ursula whom is a maid that has 19 to 20 scripts. How can I memorize the scripts without forgetting them I have 7 months well really 6 1/2 months to memorize them. How can I remember them without freezing up in rehersals and than opening night?
sorry i mean lines!
Best answer:
Answer by miawicked
I’m an actor,you should just take it slow and do it scene by scene. A long line should be broken down in memorization. If that doesn’t work,read the scripts a couple of times,and hopefully you will start to have it memorized,if THAT doesn’t work,just during rehearsals you will get the hang of it.Have Fun!
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