How do I get my scripts into the hands of professionals and my series made into the real deal?
Question by Jeremy Sears: How do I get my scripts into the hands of professionals and my series made into the real deal?
I’m a new graduate who’s trying to figure out what to do, where to go, and how to get there. I’m scared at the time and i’m just trying to gain knoweldge, as of now i’ve gotten one work, a poem of mine published into a book and i’ve won an award in English Communication… so now i want to know how i can make my dreams of my own animated series come true…those who’ve read my work absolutly loved it.
An entire spread of all my work including my most rescent, and professional scripts (Assenders Re:Genesis) can be found here:
Best answer:
Answer by kingmissle2
Try getting an agent.. They will do that….
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