How do i know if I’m kissing right? Any techniques that makes it more pleasurable?
Question by Missa: How do i know if I’m kissing right? Any techniques that makes it more pleasurable?
I finally had my first kiss with this one guy. We were dating
for around 6 weeks when it finally happened. I went to his house and we were watching a movie, we were kinda cuddling while he was in this one chair and i was on a beanbag. I was kinda uncomfortable in the position i was in for so long so I moved his beanbag so my back was up against his bed, he then asked me why i was so far away. I then told him cause its comfy over here, he then said would you like it if I came over there and I said yes I would, he then came over and sat on the beanbag with me. So we were then watching the movie when we started talking and then he stared at me and I knew he wanted
to kiss me like he has been trying to for a while. I then told myself to stop stressing and just go for it, so I leaned in and we kissed. At first it was a little awkward, I don’t know how to explain it, it was just a little weird but then we kissed immediately after that and it was more of a long kiss, we kissed for a long time and it felt good, my worries all banished about kissing and we made out but not with too much tongue but a little. Through the rest of the day we made out a few more times and each time in my opinion got better. Only I am
worried that I might of been a horrible kisser that i did something wrong, but how do I know? It’s not like I can just ask him that. And did he like what I did with my hands? I sometimes put my hand on his neck, played with his hair, put my hand on his cheek and sometimes they were just around him. And when he pulls me in closer to him while we kiss does it mean he likes what I’m doing cause why would he pull me closer if my kissing was horrible? What if I am kissing wrong? please any help
Best answer:
Answer by Sage
you KNOW that was right if he did all that.
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