how do I make a flash movie that does animation, stops,makes you click button, and starts part two?
Question by rubixmaster: how do I make a flash movie that does animation, stops,makes you click button, and starts part two?
I need to make a flash movie that displays like, lets say your movie/animation has 3 parts to it, and when part 1 is done? It will show a button saying, part 2, and when I click it, it will start the animation of part 2. I know some actionscripting and I know that this also uses actionscripting. At first I used the stop(); so it would stop the animation when part 1 ends but then when I click on the button it goes to the first frame of part 2 but doesn’t animate because after stop(); is used any animation after it stops. So what can I do to prevent that?
Best answer:
Answer by lucky
Have u tried using scenes? when i use adobe flash i use scenes so that when one scene finishes it willgo to the next scene and it is as if u just started from the beginning so u can continue pushing play
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