How do I master Flash/HTML in the shortest possible time?
Question by : How do I master Flash/HTML in the shortest possible time?
I have absoulutely zero experience with these two other than the fact that I have the software CS5 proffesional(from my dad). Any advice, web tutoriols, guides, tips, software recommendations, or anything at all would help. Im hoping to be ambitous, making websites and churning out flash games/movies by early November.
Dont ask me to give up. I will try nomater what!
Best answer:
Answer by RidzZz786
Hey I’m in your postion too.
I have all the software and everything but I do have some exprience
Some good youtube tutorials are done by –
They do flash, HTML, photoshop and loads more
They teach you flash,HTML, CSS and loads about creating sites, JAVA too
He teaches you awesome flash stuff
Also I have CS5 master collection, I dont know what the proffesional edition has but it would be useful to have fireworks as you can make beter web design graphics in that instead of flash
Hope this helps dude!
I too am a newbie and I wish you luck!
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