how do i put a pivot animation on youtube without using windows movie make?
Question by prof. tor coolguy: how do i put a pivot animation on youtube without using windows movie make?
i made my animations but my windows movie maker dosent work? help me!
Best answer:
Answer by Jake P [UK]
-download hypercam 2 (free) from:
-install it
-make your animation
-open hypercam 2
-record your video (saves in an AVI file which is accepted on youtube)
now do the following:
-log in to youtube
-press upload
-put in the video info
-go to step 2
-find the file
-press upload
-wait on that screen until you are presented with a screen saying: your upload was successful and will be viewable from your channel as soon as it has finished processing’
note: it can take up to 6 hours before your video shows up on your channel and up to 72 hours before it shows up in the searches
but it differs between size/length/format of the file
all the best
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