How do I shorten time on Windows Movie Maker?
Question by Haley C: How do I shorten time on Windows Movie Maker?
when i added photos to make a stop motion animation movie on windows movie maker, for each pic it had 3 seconds hold between each photo. I dont know how to shorten it less than 3 sedconds, So when i make my stop motion movies they seem faster and not pausing all the time.
How do I change the time period?
Or where do I got to fix it?
Plz help me.
Best answer:
Answer by sergs2jr
You should set that up before you start a project or before you add images to the time line. The default duration for an image is set to 3 sec. Once you’ve already added an image to the time line, you cannot change the duration anymore.
So before you start a project, go to Tools then Options, then go to Advanced tab. There you can set the duration for the images and the transition effects before adding them into the time line.
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