How do I stop my boyfriend from ‘gay bashing’ me?

Question by : How do I stop my boyfriend from ‘gay bashing’ me?
Well, this sounds kinda dramatic, I know, but I didn’t know how else to put it. He doesn’t actually beat me up, he rather ‘verbally bullies’ me, if that makes any more sense.

So thing is, we’re in High School. I’m out. He’s not. And he’s one of the popular kids. Before we started dating, we used to have one of those ‘hate/rival/enemy’ relationships and nobody knows we’re a couple.
His friends are your typical jocks who feel obligated to act like homophobes otherwise they hurt their ‘manly pride’, so whenever they make some sort of degrading comment, he joins in because he’s scared they might suspect something.
I’m the type who doesn’t really take bullying too hard. I don’t really care what everybody says (i’m actually serious) i only feel kinda ridiculed when he calls me a ‘stupid faggot’. I just wish he’d chill out about it. Like, we only meet up in secret when we go to the movies together we make sure to arrive at different times and ‘coincidently’ sit next to each other etc. But I have a feeling that people are starting to suspect something because when one of us gets a cold, the other one gets one shortly after (transmitting).
And well, he gets cold sores sometimes… he’s the only one at school. And now I got one too shortly after he did, so in one way I’m tired of all the secrecy and kinda feel like the next time soneone asks me if I got it from kissing him, I should just say yes, but then again, that would be kinda selfish…

Best answer:

Answer by Brooke

Your boyfriend is an asshole. Sorry if that was not what you wanted to hear.

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