How do they make a 3D movie. And what movies would you like to see made (or remade) into 3D?
Question by markwillstar: How do they make a 3D movie. And what movies would you like to see made (or remade) into 3D?
I remember the first one i ever saw was JAWS 3D and i wish i could find that again in 3D format.
then they did Freddy’s Dead (Nightmare on Elm Street) and i could never get it to work right.
Ive seen Superman Returns in 3D
and now Journey to the Center of the Earth.
id love to see Independence Day in 3D i think that could be toooo cool
Best answer:
Answer by Jim T
Not sure if they still do it this way, but they used to use two cameras alongside each other so they were filming the same thing from a slightly different angle. Then they would print both images with different tints on them onto the same print. Then if you watched them with the naked eye, they would look fuzzy and with slightly odd colours. However, when you watch with the two coloured lens glasses, the odd colours would be cancelled out and you would see one image in one eye and the other in the other. Hope this makes sense.
When I was younger, all the 3D movies were really bad, so I have never bothered watching them since. I suppose some action and western movies would be good in 3D.
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