How do you make a Sims 2 movie?
Question by janaireynoldson: How do you make a Sims 2 movie?
I have Windows XP, just so you know. I have watched a lot of The Sims 2 movies and I really want to make one and post one on myspace!!! I’ve never made a movie on the computer before. So I will need a lot of advice. Please help me out as best as you can!!!!
Best answer:
Answer by nikleyrock
First think about what you want to make, do you want to make it funny, sad, scary..etc
okay just to make things a little more intresting, you can download stuff at:
You can also google sims 2 downlaods and all that stuff like clothes and hair.
-Go into the game
-Create your actors
-Make your lot, make it very creative and not plane,
EX: If you were shooting at the pool by the pool you can have trees, make some building. Just make it intresting.
Also while your at it make some extra sims, so they can walk around or swim or whatever.
-Go to the … link in the game, go to the speaker button and turn off all the sound.
-then go to the camera and you see where it says, film length or whatever erase the number and type in like 4000.
-Then still in the … thing, go and click on the camera. And click for the size of the film to Large and click on the High for the one next to it.
-after that get your camera onto the place where you want to video tape and press V to video tape. and press V again to stop it.
-Get out of the game
-Go to start and type in windows movie maker.
-click import media which is on the up left side.
-Go to documents/EA games/Sims2/Movies
and you should see them there, put them in order and just publish it and put it whever you want it.
E-mail if you need help. :}
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