How do you make Sims 3 movies?
Question by Adam L: How do you make Sims 3 movies?
I want to make a TV series in The Sims 3, and I want to know like, how you record the scenes in game and get all the different camera angles and such. And do you put it in Windows Movie Maker then and just put all the scenes in order together and add music, etc. to get your video? If anyone has any idea or can give me a thorough explanation as to how to approach doing this series, I’d love to hear from you. 🙂
Best answer:
Answer by Anthony
First you would need written permission from Electronic Arts to see if you can do that because of the copyright law(s) If you don’t have permission you could be fined and-or be put in prison. so i would email or phone EA before you consider doing what your thinking of doing
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