How does both the Marxist and capitalist philosophical crisis get stimulus from the each other? (5 of 10)
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The third is revelation in the form of revelation which is Christianity.
Sumerian kings list which was believed written by Acadians in 3rd millennium BC in Sumerian language and it is based of their mythology and the period of each ruler was told in thousands of years of the reign. The clear demarcation between mythology and materiality could be made through the archaeological findings only. Without archeological support the historical events and happenings of the past in the ancient history would never be claimed in the chain of progress and development of the society.
The epic of the Gilgamesh in the ancient text of Babylonia had given some amount of the suspicions about the ancient kingdom’s existence prior to the popular story of floods which discusses about the floods event in the bible. The Exact description of the state and its nature of
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