How does both the Marxist and capitalist philosophical crisis get stimulus from the each other? (5 of 10)
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world. There were the traditions and practices of the gods prior to the days of Abraham. After the Old Testament the ideas and traditions of the people were changed. The practices of the faith and the feeling on the creations of world were changed. And in later times, Jesus Christ, upon who’s preaching and practice all most the beliefs of the region were further changed in the place of old ideas in their minds in a massive way.
The ideas, beliefs, and thoughts are different from issue to issue, subject to subject, action to action, need to need, and to the time to time. So no idea of any individual is permanent and could never be expected on expected lines by anybody.
However, the sources of ideas, thoughts and beliefs are concerned that the sources could be identified from childhood of any individual to the time of his death, from the
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