How does both the Marxist and capitalist philosophical crisis get stimulus from the each other? (5 of 10)
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surroundings at the early child hood of anybody, and the period of growth through the parents, teachers, and in the adult period friends and the society where he is a member. After finding the living source, while education, or after the education, the another new place would add to know about all that things what were he saw and understood about its reasons, caused, effects and its needs during the lifetime.
If I say exactly every one have to learn a lot and his whole life is not enough to understand the whole things of the history of thousands and thousands of years of the past and it is ever changing from minute to minute. So the whole life is not enough to understand the drop of the ocean. In essence it is impossible to understand the whole things of the globe. So the branches of all the subjects which were in the past originated and developed from time
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