How does both the Marxist and capitalist philosophical crisis get stimulus from the each other? (5 of 10)
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How does both the Marxist and capitalist philosophical crisis get stimulus from the each other? (5 of 10)
How does both the Marxist and capitalist philosophical crisis get stimulus from the each other? (5 of 10)
How does play the role of the state in balancing from alienation to participation in the productive forces in the socialist state for winning the hearts of the common people and killing the adverts through its influential nearest of productive and non-productive forces on the name religion, region, welfare, democracy, socialism, and terrorism in the world, without sharing in the affairs of the state and leaving it free to rule in the hands of political parties in democratic and secular India and in all global states?
In the list of non-productive forces, religion occupied the first place from the ancient period; the Egyptian gods had their origin in nature. The belief of the people was and is the internal matter of every body in
the world. The belief as an idea is a matter of the individual and how it was taken place in his mind and how it would be replaced with another belief is unanswerable question to anybody in the world. Belief, thought, and feelings of everybody could be identified with the acts of the same individuals in the society on a particular reactions or actions on few occasions that could be identified by everybody. But the sources all these beliefs, thoughts, and feelings could be identified through more than three to four ways that were taken place in the minds of the people in general and a person in particular.
Particular ideas of a bunch of the people could be identified with its available sources in any country and in any society. The history of the different regions in the world could be identified with the popular religions of past and present days in the
world. There were the traditions and practices of the gods prior to the days of Abraham. After the Old Testament the ideas and traditions of the people were changed. The practices of the faith and the feeling on the creations of world were changed. And in later times, Jesus Christ, upon who’s preaching and practice all most the beliefs of the region were further changed in the place of old ideas in their minds in a massive way.
The ideas, beliefs, and thoughts are different from issue to issue, subject to subject, action to action, need to need, and to the time to time. So no idea of any individual is permanent and could never be expected on expected lines by anybody.
However, the sources of ideas, thoughts and beliefs are concerned that the sources could be identified from childhood of any individual to the time of his death, from the
surroundings at the early child hood of anybody, and the period of growth through the parents, teachers, and in the adult period friends and the society where he is a member. After finding the living source, while education, or after the education, the another new place would add to know about all that things what were he saw and understood about its reasons, caused, effects and its needs during the lifetime.
If I say exactly every one have to learn a lot and his whole life is not enough to understand the whole things of the history of thousands and thousands of years of the past and it is ever changing from minute to minute. So the whole life is not enough to understand the drop of the ocean. In essence it is impossible to understand the whole things of the globe. So the branches of all the subjects which were in the past originated and developed from time
to time on the broad line of the non-productive section and are treated as the knowledge about the things of the past present and of the future. The book on the social sciences, engineering, bio sciences and arts are the sources of the knowledge in the field of education and useful to those who are engaged in these subjects have to learn through these theory works. If these books are weighted it goes to the waste paper market without any validity.
Hence it is listed in the non-productive section of the society and those who are engages in the teaching profession should be counted as the members of the non-productive forces and the total cost and the payments of them through the federal or central governments in any country are treated as burden on the society and its productive forces. Because these educational instituted and universities with its maintenance
are the part of the state affair and the social productive forces have to bear it through the taxes or levies on the people whose who live in the state.
It is another question for the rulers of Indian government to think over about non-refunding of the amount spent on education of medicine in making the students as doctors and after getting the degree at the cost of one million rupees of the government, simply constructing their own clinics and hospitals for changing thousands of rupees for simple stomach pains like complaints by the poor and down trodden in rural and in urban areas in India.
1)Hence the subjects of the all political and governmental sections have been developed from the main source of the social productions by the productive relations whom were and are ever changing from time to time. Consequently the basic spirit of the progress
and development in this field is entirely depended upon itself only. Because the players in its development need material, tools, (subject knowledge) skilled labor, basic need of its further development and its sustainability in the society itself.
2) Productive field’s requirements for further progress and development, the skilled labor, productive instruments, and productive relation in which the masters and slaves or the lords or the slaves or the masters and the slaves were to work for the progress of the society. This filed was and is the important and potential enough to feed the whole members of society including its depended field of non-productive including its service related works of them men of those who were engages in such fields
3) The common differences within these sections were the regular business of the society from the
past to the present. It means the different and number of sections in the non-productive fields were to live with differences each against each whenever the interests of any section was suspected by the other within these fields, the protective measures were initiated from all those who were in its supervisory power. The struggles within itself and their unity were continued because they are not the losers and gainers of the economical benefits and losses. These sections were the depended sections of the society and were under control of the state. So that the state or the king at that time had to take care of these sections to go smoothly in their regular affairs until and unless sees that no effect could be suspected to the other sections of the society. The same continuation from the period of master slave relations to the present state and its machinery level of treatment
was and is continuing in the present capitalist system too. a brief history of the state from its date of origin to present state of capitalism, how had it become strong and potential in dominating the social productions and catalyzing the equations of the social transitions through its magnificent formulas and logics if we understand the complete picture of the society in an organized form it would be beneficial to replace the present social system upon which the system of capitalizing the resources for more benefit of the poor and oppressed classes of the societies in the world.
The origin of the state was an essential and greater need at the time when the people began to feel it as their need what I stated about it from the ancient period of the history, that had made the society to sustain it as unavoidable thing to come into being to serve as a savior and
protector of the societies and due to its widened subjects it was completely alienated from the work of the social productive field and settled in the non-productive field and have given an indication to the remained people of the society that its field and its subsections were and are very beneficial and easy to resume with an assurance to have the wealth unceasingly.
So the state, religion, entire organs of the state, education, arts, technical trainings etc, which could not produce any article, or commodity for the society and keeps its functions going in smooth way through its subjects, of laws, security personnel Prisons and judiciary. To feed all its branches it had taken so many steps from warring and annexing the others societies and its states to feed its depended people of all its branches from it origin to the present
However war and winning the territories, with gaining of the wealth from the defeated territories was the game of the kings and warriors from the history of Sumerians. Gilgamesh’s urr city was constructed by 3000bc as par one claim, but it’s the fact the king and history of the kings could be ascertained with a little of deference in the lengthy period of the state’s history. Here the state’s city and the name of the king and their contributions are different from each other till the reports and evidences are proved about their works in such remote history of past
They invented the Sumerian cuneiform script first in 3200 BC, due the relationship and living together as a civilization they were already in practice of agriculture in the year of 10000 BC. It is not easy to conclude about the past happenings without evidence on the
developmental phases of the state. Ubaid culture and their civilization was claimed to be existed there prior to the Sumerians. In India, it is appeared that the city state Kashi was stated to be the first state and it had Varanasi as its capital city. In the thin picture to locate the exact feature of the state for its origin is very hard but I can say till present the Gilgamesh was the first king and the history had proved about his existence there archaeologically.
For practical purpose of confirming the period of the origin of the state in the world history, in which the emergence of the state did not have the same reasons at all times of its origins in the other states. It is better to estimate about its origin and its features, three models could be discussed in detail. Firstly it is confirmed fact that only after forming the civilization the state had been
emerged from it within the civilizations as it is in the case of Sumerians. The Greeks who invented their Greek language much later to the period of Sumerians and thirdly, from Indian history, Rig-Veda is the first book through which the grim picture of the nature of the society could be known. In these three models with the developments in each field and its contradictions would be discussed. Firstly in the list of non production field and its struggles within itself, would go on through the relations religion with state, Slaves with masters, kings and wars with reasons leading to the development of the societies and extensions of the empires on global level.
Hegel divided the religions into three different forms. Of them one is natural religion which is in practice in Egypt and India. Second is in the form of arts which is practiced by Greeks and Romans.
The third is revelation in the form of revelation which is Christianity.
Sumerian kings list which was believed written by Acadians in 3rd millennium BC in Sumerian language and it is based of their mythology and the period of each ruler was told in thousands of years of the reign. The clear demarcation between mythology and materiality could be made through the archaeological findings only. Without archeological support the historical events and happenings of the past in the ancient history would never be claimed in the chain of progress and development of the society.
The epic of the Gilgamesh in the ancient text of Babylonia had given some amount of the suspicions about the ancient kingdom’s existence prior to the popular story of floods which discusses about the floods event in the bible. The Exact description of the state and its nature of
society which was run under the command and control of the king Gilgamesh at that time could be understood through his own writings on the tablets, known as twelve table law to the modern world. The archeological support through the clay tablets on which his own declarations and his feeling were written in a mix of thoughts relating to the material as well as his spiritual beliefs about his subjects in his state. . In exact estimation about his rule at that time the description itself was available on the clay tablets on which in Acadians languages and it was stated to be written by the king himself about the conditions of his state and his affairs.
I like to adopt the way to materialize the content out of divinity from his subjects which are available in material form. The principle of accepting or rejecting any description on the things was or is in
existence upon its entirety or on it partially or in a bit wise, according to the principle of applicability of its part or of its entirety in formulating any idea about the past in which the thing was or is existed. Because bible as a book, it is accepted by the most of the people.
At the same time, in the absence of the written history beyond the period of composition of the book, it is necessary to take some contents mentioned in the bible into consideration for further findings about the things to prove whether that things were existed or not in the period upon which the bible is still have a claim. If the fire of seventh century did not take place in Alexandria’s library, one million copies may give many evidences to the world about the past.
And the enthusiastic archaeologists carried the spade and book in hands and moved on the lines
on biblical claims on the areas and locations. For example, shekel was used as currency at that time, so that Abraham used that in the market and bought something in his needs at that time. Following acts were taken place by the Abraham upon whom we must rely and depend upon that the incidents or acts were done in his life
“And Abraham hearkened unto Ephron; and Abraham weighed to Ephron the silver, which he had named in the audience of the sons of Heth, four hundred shekels of silver, current money with the merchant (Genesis 23:16)”
The measurements and accounts for the exchange of the value of the commodities through which the daily live of the people was run according to its social and statutes of the state at that time. The silver value with its origin cost, as a value in the market as a currency in measuring the values and the values of the
commodities were identified in exchange of the commodities. At the time of emergence of the value system the currency for exchange of the commodities were emerged there in the market at that biblical time. The state had not intervened much with its cheating role into the commercial market through introduction of the currency as an instrument of exchange value of the commodities at that time of biblical societies
The cities were well built and the social value systems were in practice and confirm that the humans were living with all matured way in the society. The cities were built at the cost of the societies through the slaves and the gated were the protective measure of the societies. It is proved in the verse of bible, which is as follows.
“Unto Abraham for a possession in the presence of the children of Heth, before all that went
in at the gate of his city (genesis 23:18)”
“Early the next morning Abraham got up and saddled his donkey. He took with him two of his servants and his son Isaac. When he had cut enough wood for the burnt offering, he set out for the place God had told him about.( Genesis 22:3)”
The rules as penalties for the losses or about the wrong doers also mentioned in the bible and confirm that the society of the biblical period was governed by the state. Punishments could be seen in that society through the following verses.
“If the ox shall push a manservant or a maidservant; he shall give unto their master thirty shekels of silver, and the ox shall be stoned (genesis23:32)”
“And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for
The penal laws of the time were originated from the common aspiration of those who were the wrong doers and suffered and the same were implemented by the state, which was in its primary stage in which all three parts of modern legal system was vested in one hand only. The king was the sole for his all decisions that were directly implemented through his own channel of spying the people and finding their positions with their wishes. So the following law was introduced.
Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot (genesis23: 24)”
This kind of law was and is the first in its king in the world and it has its source firstly in the bible only and the biblical area, and its people were practiced in their societies.
The calculation of the value system of the live stock with exchanging values in the market and the
preparation before journey could be understood through the following biblical verses.
“…Thirty female camels with their young, forty cows and ten bulls, and twenty female donkeys and ten male donkeys (Genesis 32:15)”
“…they loaded their grain on their donkeys and left.”(Genesis 42:26)”
So they brought their livestock to Joseph, and he gave them food in exchange for their horses, their sheep and goats, their cattle and donkeys. And he brought them through that year with food in exchange for all their livestock.( Genesis 47:17)
The transportation system was the established through donkeys at that time firstly then camel, horses were emerged in the list of transport for the goods and journey. It is understood through the following
verse about the “best things of Egypt “
“And this is what he sent to his father: ten donkeys loaded with the best things of Egypt, and ten female donkeys loaded with grain and bread and other provisions for his journey.( Genesis 45:23)”
At the same time there was a practice to bury the dead in their own land only. It means there was no practice of common burial place for the dead at that time.
“”And the field, and the cave that is therein, were made sure unto Abraham for a possession of a buryingplace by the sons of Heth. (genesis23:20)”
Furthermore, a relief of a day after six days works; it was suggested at that time through the following verse, without going into the controversy of interpolations in the bible. And it was the great contribution of six days working in seven days and one day rest was based on the
animals which needed to have a rest. Work and rest was emerged from the totality of the whole society of that time. In the absence of the evidences in this regard, the bible is itself an evidence to find the real reasons of working and resting equations in the whole spectrum of humans and in animals.
“Six days do your work, but on the seventh day do not work, so that your ox and your donkey may rest and the slave born in your household, and the alien as well, may be refreshed.( Exodus 23:12)’
The percentage of tribute also recommended to set for their lord from the plundered material as it is seen in the following verse.
“From the soldiers who fought in the battle, set apart as tribute for the LORD one out of every five hundred, whether persons,
cattle, donkeys, sheep or goats.( Numbers 31:28)“
Now again coming back to the topic about the role of state in the commerce of the society how the state was turned a direct in cheating the people through the minting of coins and currency from ancient time to present which is known as barter system, in which the state could not play its role, but on the invention of coins and currency, the state had been increased by its revenue deceitfully to meet the growing warring expenditures from time to time.
The value of the food material was divided into two types. One is perished and another is durable. Those who need the material if that was non-decay able, it was known that it could be useful to them in future. And those who have such material in large have been treated as their helpful and they had paid a particular
attention towards them. At the same time those who had the material that had no durability, had made them to do something better than throwing out from their possession. Those who possess non-durable food material used to give to other in exchange of his bread for a wine.
The wine and bread’s combination was they found a good for both in need of hungry and some entertainment, so the practice was initiated at that time to exchange the material what they had and exchanged from each other. In that system of exchange the value of the article or commodity, could not be seen how much the labor was applied to gain it but to loose it on the system of need and needful time was determined to gain that valuables or loose the valuables. Meat and bread was very much exchangeable commodities between the two needy individuals on sensing the equal needs between the two.
Iron bars were emerged as a weighting system of exchanging the commodities in the place of exchange system.
A system of common instrument as an item for exchange of the commodities was emerged in the place of exchange of commodities in the commerce in which the state had no role to play in the market affairs. As per the common instrumental system the weighting and downsizing the iron bars to purchase the other items was in practice. This system was introduced by Spartans of Greece. In India these two systems were in common use but the coins of skin was in use in India. In common instrument as iron bars in sales and in purchases there was to cut down the sizes of the iron bars for a while for other commodities was created a major problem to all the people, and even more problems were caused to the poor who needed to cut down all the iron bars very frequently
for fulfilling their needs. Consequently they had to bear the loss and wastage of the iron for which they needed another system of measurement they needed. And the role of those who posses more than their needs they had to come forward for assurances on buying and purchasing the articles in the market.
In some societies they were played a role of middle men in the commercial affairs of the society. The deposits of the commodities at any trustworthy of the society by all in a way of mutual consent to buy and sell basis as he was aware of the people with needs. The iron was not to break into pieces so easily as copper to break in such a way that would never cause any hard labor and loss of some pieces in waste had gained prominence in that societies of both roman and Greeks with a difference of time. The copper was the metal which had its value in the market
for its own worth of its weight and the same copper metal was used as instrument in exchanging commodities in both ways of its cost with worth as a metal. The needs and feelings of the losses were some more increased with the replacement of the iron by the copper.
In the process of continuing developments in the field of weights and measurements, there were continuous problems they faces such as the calculation of the labor which was applied on the commodity to get into in the market. The calculation of the labor was a great loss to the poor and worker at the same time his master too. No barter system was partial, but the people were partial for their subjects themselves only. Those who have the commodities had the exchange through the silver bars till the emergence of the coins and currency. At that time of barter system the sate has no role to play in the
field of commerce because it had its role of collection of tribute from those who have such positions and wealth in the society in the reasonable manner.
And the deceitful act was not in the commerce the state was to play role in the market affairs. It was free of markets and the people were practiced such system but every system have its strengths and weakness which spirits the people to find more effectiveness in the interest of the people. The gold coins in some countries were introduced by the kings in their respective territories. Prior to the gold, copper, iron, there was the entry of the state into the commerce by stamping on the silver bars for its guarantee of its weight and value so as to avoid the double work of braking for its calculations. On any bar was stamped by the sign of king the people began believing that the guarantee was there about the
bar through which they could buy their needy commodities without any further complications in the market of those empires.
The roman king, Servious Tullius(578-535BC)fifth king, who had been believed by one of the available sources, minted ponds with bronze weighting one, five, and ten And the cost and value had no difference. This kind of introduction of the pounds with the bronze metal was his need of his survival. The collection of the tribute in material form like, food grain, sheep, goat, ox, horses was not easy job for his subjects of state affairs. The system of collection of tribute from the different people of his empire like, war lords, farmers, land lords, free men and slaves, in order to meet the war requirements by the roman king who had introduced the coinage for the first time in the world.
The roman king was proved very
honest at the time of introducing the system of pounds of bronze metal was equally valuable in weight and value, without a difference between its cost and its value as an instrument of sale and purchase in the market. So that the people of his empire was easily adopted a change in the system of collection of tribute to the king. One pound was divided into twelve ounces a ‘real ounce of good copper’. ‘A good copper coins in worth and value was continued from the time of Alexander the first to Robert Bruce a pound of silver of the same weight and fineness with the English pound sterling ,English French and Scots pennies too contained all of them originally a real penny weight of silver, the twentieth part of the ounce’ . ‘The roman, as in the latter ages of the republic was reduced to the twenty fourth part of its original value and instead of we a pound, came to weight
only half of the ounce.
The English pound and penny containing at present about a third only’.. it means from the period of invention of the coins and noted either from the bronze and silver metal to gold coins, the kings were continued the practice of the issuing the coins with both value and worth, until the increase of the king’s affairs in wars they resorted to cut short the worth of the coins in weight and the value of the coins and noted they continued with their royal signs and symbols by benefiting themselves in the coins. When the instrument, in the market for sale and purchase the people invented on their own need and the demand, has been shifted from the hands of the people to the king’s subjects, the loss of the people both in the worth and in value made the kings to fill the treasures by another way from the commerce illegitimately and
deceitfully. In other words, the royal families and the kings whose values in the people were once in high degree and they were known to the people that they were their protectors from the other invasions and the plunders with killings.
While their expansions of the territories with widening of the royal subjects in the wars, the coinage and notes with the royal signs ,they found the way of securing the benefit from the field commerce along with other sectors which made them some hundreds to fold of wealth gatherer for the treasury of the royal subjects. From the origin of the state from a small unit to the mighty form of widened subjects and expansions of the territories, they were allowed to follow the codes of their laws in their societies at their times to all the people according to their values and worth in calculation of their wealth. These were made them to
emerge many classes in their societies. The roman period which was started to grow into strong form as state to continue its existence, in which what was their twelve tables said about them to follow as their written law to be read in the following verses.
The summoning system was based on the individual complaints on the causes of the losses to them by somebody upon which he was to complain against the wrong doer to the magistrate, on receipt of the complaint the magistrate has given a power to get the wrong doer into the court by force for which the force was assigned in doing such work in the field of the judiciary. During the king’s period the king was to see such individual cases in the sense of justifying the individuals in the most cleverly manners. Consequently separate department was constituted to look in to such matters from the society as a king had
empowered to discharge his duties moreover some social laws were also introduced restricting the funerals inside the city with instructions not to shed the tears by women at the death. The equality statues also defined and restricted the marriages between the plebeians and patricians. The political activities also was under scanner restricted the meetings in the night there in their empire. For all such details the following laws are available which were known as the basic laws of the early rise of the roman empire.
” Table I.
1. If anyone summons a man before the magistrate, he must go. If the man summoned does not go, let the one summoning him call the bystanders to witness and then take him by force.”
“2. If he shirks or runs away, let the summoned laid hands on him”.
“6-9. When the litigants settle
their case by compromise, let the magistrate announce it. If they do not compromise, let them state each his own side of the case, in the comitium of the forum before noon. Afterwards let them talk it out together, while both are present. After noon, in case either party has failed to appear, let the magistrate pronounce judgment in favor of the one who is present. If both are present the trial may last until sunset but no later”.
“Table II.
2. He whose witness has failed to appear may summon him by loud calls before his house every third day.”
“Table III.
1. One who has confessed a debt, or against whom judgment has been pronounced, shall have thirty days to pay it in. After that forcible seizure of his person is allowed. The creditor shall bring him before the magistrate. Unless he pays the amount of the judgment or
some one in the presence of the magistrate interferes in his behalf as protector the creditor so shall take him home and fasten him in stocks or fetters. He shall fasten him with not less than fifteen pounds of weight or, if he chooses, with more. If the prisoner chooses, he may furnish his own food. If he does not, the creditor must give him a pound of meal daily; if he chooses he may give him more”.
“3. Against a foreigner the right in property shall be valid forever”.
“Table IV.
1. A dreadfully deformed child shall be quickly killed.
2. If a father sells his son three times, the son shall be free from his father.
5. A child born after ten months since the father’s death will not be admitted into a legal inheritance”.
“Table V.
1. Females should remain
in guardianship even when they have attained their majority.”
“Table VI.
1. When one makes a bond and a conveyance of property, as he has made formal declaration so let it be binding”.
“Table VII.
1. Let them keep the road in order. If they have not paved it, a man may drive his team where he likes.
9. Should a tree on a neighbor’s farm be bent crooked by the wind and lean over your farm, you may take legal action for removal of that tree.
10. A man might gather up fruit that was falling down onto another man’s farm”.
“Table VIII.
2. If one has maimed a limb and does not compromise with the injured person, let there be retaliation. If one has broken a bone of a freeman with his hand or with a cudgel, let him pay a penalty of three hundred coins.
If he has broken the bone of a slave, let him have one hundred and fifty coins. If one is guilty of insult, the penalty shall be twenty-five coins”.
“3. If one is slain while committing theft by night, he is rightly slain”.
“4. If a patron shall have devised any deceit against his client, let him be accursed”.
“10. Any person who destroys by burning any building or heap of corn deposited alongside a house shall be bound, scourged, and put to death by burning at the stake provided that he has committed the said misdeed with malice aforethought; but if he shall have committed it by accident, that is, by negligence, it is ordained that he repair the damage or, if he be too poor to be competent for such punishment, he shall receive a lighter punishment”
“23. A person who had
been found guilty of giving false witness shall be hurled down from the Tarpeian Rock”.
“26. No person shall hold meetings by night in the city”.
“Table IX.
4. The penalty shall be capital for a judge or arbiter legally appointed who has been found guilty of receiving a bribe for giving a decision”.
“5. Treason: he who shall have roused up a public enemy or handed over a citizen to a public enemy must suffer capital punishment”.
“6. Putting to death of any man, whosoever he might be unconvicted is forbidden”.
“Table X.
1. None is to bury or burn a corpse in the city.
3. The women shall not tear their faces nor wail on account of the funeral”.
“Table XI.
1. Marriages should not take place between
plebeians and patricians”.
“Table XII.
5. Whatever the people had last ordained should be held as binding by law”.
The Hammurabi code of law, in which, certain laws were identified with the bible, and now the roman laws in the form of twelve table, as all these laws were initiated in their kingdoms to ensure security and safety of the people in the world. The Manu code of laws were compared with the code of laws of Hammurabi and found that the slave system was not directly taken place in India and clarified that the Indian system had no such similarities with the Egyptian, Sumerian, and biblical societies in India.
So that Indian society and its civilization had its own system with difference of the other systems in the world. Consequently it has to understand it from its own source from its origin, growth and present
development from the way what it had contributed for its development. The study of these laws in the societies where all these were emerged and developed shows how the societies were worked in its ancient civilizations and its relative factors within the society which evolves in and around of each of the subjects of the societies by influencing each other on the development of its own factors within themselves alone.
In other words the widening subjects of the state under the non-productive fields dragged the people under their control from the productive fields of the societies from time to time with every development of the different sectors of the productive non-productive fields o the societies most of old ancient societies including Greeks Athenian, Spartan, and in roman empires. The Roman Empire was the best example in the history from the period of
origin of the state to the development of its fullest form under the control of the different kings and kingdoms, in which the twelve table laws were emerged. It is the fact that the ten members were appointed to write laws of twelve table through which the courts were first formed to find the individual violation of the social laws such as the debts, damages, compendiums, with other penal laws were initiated to check the individuals first in the history of the jurisprudence in the roman empire.
It is also evidence that the first code of laws was written by the king himself and put all his laws were in practice for his development of his kingly subjects and issues in the world materialistically. Because the bible as a first book of faith, which was and is the first book of the world as known to the majority of the global people including the Islamic people
also believes that it is the first book of faith upon which most of the worldly people have faith and believes for their routine practices in their lives. In essence the bible is still not considered to be the book of the world materialistically. So that it needs its archeological evidences on the issues which discusses in the history of the societies of the world.
Keeping its nature upon its subjects, in view I took some subjects of the social laws and social things which were in practice at the time of Abraham, Joshua, animals, measurements, and weights, social and individual needs with territorial identifications in support of the findings from the history. Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot (Genesis23:24) has been mentioned in the Hammurabi code of laws which are given below.
If a man put out the eye of another
man, his eye shall be put out. [Law no 194, an eye for an eye]. In whole of 282(including some missing laws) laws in the Hammurabi code of laws, only one law is the same which is available in the bible in common, but the period of these two books have no relations between the two laws. The code of laws was emerged from the materialistic world and complete form of laws related to the society and the people with all their business of social transactions under the command of the state. The state, it is known that the society at that time of Hammurabi, the king who contributed all these laws for the smooth administration in the society in which many fields were found and developed in its already clarified way of the productive and non-productive forces in all their fields and complete variation of the non-productive fields of society which was taken the complete shape of the
state at the cost of the productive forces as equally needful to the state, society and to the productive fields with its relations within that society.
All the laws were found in material form and emerged from the society and found no role of divinity though they could have their gods and their religion at the time of the king who wrote all these laws for his royal subjects only. It is now become essential no know about the period of the bible was written, for exact evidences of the social laws with its relation to the productive and non-productive forces on the basis of the things which were related to material things only. Hence it is not possible to take the bible into account for its material existence at that time archeologically.
At the same time I would never take all the archeological evidences here but the social things which were
in existence to calculate the social life of the people, market commodities, exchange of the materials, productive forces, non-productive forces, the relations of the productive forces with the valuation of the social classes of the biblical society.
The period of composition from its first book genesis to its last book revelation had been taken 145 years from 1400 BC to 50 AD. In many accounts its events in the history is coming out through the archaeological evidences. It is not only a book of religious thoughts of the people but it is also a historical document also. Its narration about the issues reflects the social conditions of that time, from the period of Abraham to Jesus Christ. The state had been developed so widely in the most civilized manner from the barbarians to the administration of justice. Abrahams’ wife case and his piece of land dispute
with his neighbor shows a change in the social laws which actually emerge from the society itself. They made bricks and burnt it thoroughly and build a tower first which was perhaps the first temple in the biblical religion.
They built the city too with the tower which should reach to the heaven in its height as they decided to build the cities and temple. While traveling Abraham feared to disclose of the relation with wife as his wife before the pharaoh who could kill Abraham as the power of king has in his and to own any woman for him. And Abraham asked his wife to keep the fact in secret and they told to the pharaoh on asking him about the lady when he confronted him. The pharaoh as they thought he would take his lady, if they tell to his the she is his wife. After many years, Abraham took back his woman with all material on realization of the
relationship of wife and husband between him and his woman. Another most important and barbarian law which had its base in bible only and it had been widely applied and practiced in other societies there.
How the society was at the time of Abraham could be understood through the initiation of some rules to follow in the society as these are now in practice and its practical purpose would never be belittled on the name of religion. Religions in the world though have more or less had the impact on the character of the individuals of the societies which were run by the productive forces of the societies but the religions as non-productive were proved very influential in molding the nature and character of the individuals in the society.
The societies in which men women, children, sons, daughters, grand mothers, grand daughters, daughters in law,
mothers in law etc were and every one had their relations with each other. At the same way the forbidden acts were initiated in these societies though they have been associated with religious beliefs and their affiliations on the beliefs of the gods at the time of these initiations were come into being in different times in the societies.
These ideas, if we call these initiations as ideas, before introducing in to societies at the time of its need to put the people in order for a specific goal, or for some other purpose of worldly or heavenly, the people were obliged with a sense that these ideas in their lives could be helpful in dealing with the other people in the societies.
Though these were no way concerned with the productive instruments but these laws are concerned as a set of acts assigned to all humans at that time in all the related
acts of the humans while dealing with each others at working places, or at their homes or at their meeting points wherever they needed to have relations with each other. Few laws known as the Ten Commandments to the world as a set of ideas in the mind of introducer to the people of the society on any claim or in any name, declaring these laws are the laws of the lord, and the god. The reasons in believing these laws are not concerned with the point of believing these laws of ideas but it is cause of believing that the following up of these laws would be more or less helpful for that society in general and about the way of living for the individuals in particular. These laws before introduction into the society were of course have no such influence and its power over the people but the people began the felling that these laws could be useful either for worldly or for the
heavenly believing it as useful for them. Because the humans and animals are not the same to live on the food, sex, generations and death. But the human mind and the feeling were ever changing and would never be fixed in any frame for the specific purpose of chemical or biological findings from the days of the origin to the present day of the capitalism.
These laws are known as the laws written by Moses himself for those people who were followed him and his ways of life. I do not find any need to go into the depth behind the validity and reasons for introducing such laws to the people in their society, because, we could never judge the past from the present state of development from the basic developments of the societies to present time which what we would decide ourselves that our acts are correct and the past is not correct.
All these such presumptions are
useless and baseless, because the history is something like a dead body upon which many post mortems and inventions could be carries out for research purposes. And the same dead body would never answer to all those questions that simply asks and left without giving any results with their observations on the dead body.
Moreover the history is something like a big record room from which we can find many more evidences and proofs to confirm the things of the facts or to prove as the historical things through a set of ideas which related to the findings for the present from the past. And the past is silently handed over its complete visible things partially and it keeps the remained in itself for further researchers about it through their ideas only. Moreover the judgments on the historical happenings with its things always remain incomplete as it had not been proved and
founded by thousands of inventions on it and it always unresolved in many ways in every field.
Unnumbered mysteries still attracts all the scientists to carry out the more and more research works on many secrets in all most all fields, in medical, astronomical, chemical, and other hundreds of its branches are expanded from its basic sciences from the early periods of the human origin. Now it’s a matter of social sciences where the religion and social laws were mixed and led the human mankind towards its progress and advancements from its earlier period.
The Moses’ exodus, whether it is believable or unbelievable in the sense of modern age, it is essential for every reader or writer to go into its roots of society with its social laws, in the absence of the scripts in the world. After the progress and development of the civilizations in the
world, bible and spade were found many sites there in the surrounding areas of the much popularized promised land of Abraham, proving the biblical historical incidents and its king’s names with their kingdoms of the ancient period of biblical era from which many resembling features are related and stated to be that the area and biblical history had given many more social laws to the world.
And the same laws are almost continuation in the daily lives of the majority people in the world. If the religion and its contributions or its exploitations whatever we like to say about history with its relation to the society is nothing, but whatever we say about it represents the mind and concept of those who are really concerned or not concerned with the developments of the society and religion in thousands of years, and it had been proved that they are still in need to
find more and more about all these developments of the religion and society, because what we have been used to say all about the relation between the religion and society is all remained unresolved questions only and now it is again going back to read about all these things with its related factors with a realizations based on the failures in understanding these relations with all its factors to find what is really the ideologies needs to pull the masses on the philosophies of the past.
The ideas of the people about any material facts could not succeed on material things of the past and even present at almost all levels. After industrial revolutions and upon believing its new kind of relations among the people based on the new kind of productive forces, Karl Marx theory, Hegel’s theory and Lenin’s interpretation of Marxism, Leninism, and later period of
Marxism, the ideas of materialism are still continuing in the human minds. For example in India, in all most all hospitals they constructed temples either within the premises of hospitals or very nearer for those who attend the temples seek blessings of the gods.
At the same time the doctors also preys the gods before performing the operations on the patients. Even in the doctors’ houses, in their private rooms in hospitals, we would find the photos of such gods who preys their blessings. In government buses or in luxury buses we can find the gods garlanded photos above the cup boards for the drivers who seek the blessing for safety of himself and for the passengers. We sees many deaths of devotees returning from Balaji , temple of Tirupati and from the Ayyappa temple and now India has stood first in road accidents in the world even after having millions of
gods in India.
Though the people in the issues of religion never become materialistic in approach either in their personal or in social lives as they live partially on material facts and used to live under the laws knowingly most of it, unknowingly least of the laws. It indicates that the people have every right to adopt whatever the way they like and what they like to reject from their lives, is a subject to know about it into depth for the better understanding of the role of the religious beliefs and material facts. If we go into if in depth, the first in its kind the word ” belief” comes before us for understanding the first step of feelings, other than the word” trust” in the series of the transformation of the understanding phases of the things of the past, in present and about future also.
Every one has belief on certain degree of the things in
his life and move in his lives as per his works, in daily lives.
One question would come in my mind about a Jew, who thinks about him is very personal, but I want him to think in my way what I want to think about him. Is it possible? First I ask him to vacate the land of Israel. Secondly he must leave Israel without any relief to them by accommodating somewhere in the world. Is it possible? Thirdly I want all global capitalists of top hundred to handover their assets to the labor, workers and their servants. Is it possible? Fourthly, I want to lay down all weapons of all security forces of the world in the interest of the global peaces and prosperity. Is possible?
The military tensions zone in world is Indian and Azad Kashmir which would be solved peacefully by merging India and Pakistan prior to the status of undivided India. I appeal the
two states for the peace and prosperity in the interest of Pakistan, India and for the disputed Kashmir. Is it possible? All the human beings are equal in the world, and all religions are no way concerned with the material world. If I seek all the global people to desist their faiths in Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and other remained religions in the world. Will they follow it? Even pope asks the people they would never follow it. After the collapse of the soviet union and the remained socialist block including the Chinese people started believing the capitalist societies would save from their own models they built in their respective states with the help of the global leader united states for the developments of all these states including Russian state after its collapse which had helped in emerging many states within
Thousands of people died for the socialist Russia and people’s china for the long historical revolutionary way of these two states for the period of one century from the dates of the Karl Marx’s writings, which are primarily as a basic source for the socialist phase of the societies under the control of the state. The stat which was and is based and belong to the non-productive forces and directly depended upon its society and on its sources, without progress of its richness, the states could not do anything.
So that the state as a leader of the societies have stood forefront in leading all the members of the different societies without proper plans for further developments in the long run asked the help and support of the world capitalist states, collapsed as a result of dependence on other states despite depending on its own people.
They failed to record the discontentment of the people of all sections in a planned manner, because they have been already isolated from the regular contacts and finding the needs for their supplies in their states. Details about the Social laws and state laws are already available in separate article.
The alienated forces of the state further isolated from sharing their role along with the people in their respective societies of all socialist states led them to bow down in economic and philosophical aspects for the socialist conceptual administration of the state economy. I am not to find the reasons for the failure of the socialist system of governance in the socialist block of Russian and Chinese state, but I really found the fundamental defects in the philosophy of Marxism, Leninism and its Maoism, as well as the new way of Nepalese Prachanda path which
was and is continuing version of the socialist revolutions in the world.
So that it is necessary to come back from the back period to the present stage of capitalism as a pre-requisite for the philosophy of socialism, with additions to all issues of the Marxism, Leninist, and of Maoism, about, people, state, society, religion, productive mechanisms, non-productive elements’ dependence and total domination over the productive forces with its relations once again in the new and changing fundaments of the global world. Firstly the social laws were introduced by the Moses’ and all these are not negligible in understanding of the real role of the religion with its philosophy for the present society. All these laws were practiced by the people at the time of its introduction in the society there. Now all these laws are known the world that these laws were
introduced by Moses himself.
The past thing of the history now had turned and became as a belief for many Jews in the world. At the same time the New Testament in which what incidents were taken place as incidents are now proving that these were the real happenings and facts in the history of the man king through the archaeological findings in all these days. .the laws of Moses were showed how society was in its nature what it needed to transform from the role of out side of the productive forces is to be understood. One of the Ten Commandments is still practical in the world including all the socialists and communist in the world which is as follows
“Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. 9 Six days you shall labor and do all your work, 10 but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor
your son or daughter, nor your manservant or maidservant, nor your animals, nor the alien within your gates. 11 For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.”
Though this law may be in the zeal and love of presenting himself as the lord to the people, but it has been in practice to take a rest after the work of six days and it is also understood that the calculation of the “time and days were already were in existence at the time of these laws were introduced to the society. Moreover the following laws of the Moses are known that these were helpful by honoring father and mother, restricting the people from murder, adultery, and stealing, wrong testimony against neighbor and avoiding coveting the neighbor’s wife. The
direct social laws like these are not found in rig Veda. The Indian civilization in which such basic laws for the family are not found basically as a family as a unit in south Asian region till now.
Exodus 20
The Ten Commandments
1 And God spoke all these words:
2 “I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.
3 “You shall have no other gods before [a] me.
4 “You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. 5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your
God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, 6 but showing love to a thousand {generations} of those who love me and keep my commandments.
7 “You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God, for the LORD will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.
8 “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. 9 Six days you shall labor and do all your work, 10 but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your manservant or maidservant, nor your animals, nor the alien within your gates. 11 For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.
12 “Honor
your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you.
13 “You shall not murder.
14 “You shall not commit adultery.
15 “You shall not steal.
16 “You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.
17 “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.”
The king David and his role are not new for anybody in building his kingdom, temple and the temple town in the kingdoms of the Judaism. The lists of kings and their acts in molding the society is to be seen with the following developments, it is to take from the period of King David (1050-920 BC) to Ahab(born c. 853 – BCE Reigned c. 874–c. 853 BCE)
Saul, David and
Solomon ruled the undivided Israel. Some important incidents were taken place while the transferring the power from one king to another in the most desirable way by the people who were in greater need for the king as they were sought their king to be acted for them by neighboring kingdoms. Bible code of the present day in relation to the predictions of the past and about future would be discussed in some other time in separate article
The people of Hebrew began to feel the need of king how would protect them and rule them like other monarchs of the Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Canaanites, Philistines, Moabites, and Ammonites. And went to ask the Samuel1 and 2nd, who sought Saul to act as king in obedient way, but he could not able to rule them under the instructions and wishes of the Yahweh’s. For the period of two years only his rule was existed. Yahweh
selected David. It was stated that the differences were the main reason over the kings who had been in obedience of the orders of the Yahweh only.
The Hebrew people were in such a need, in which Yahweh’s role was imminent in selecting the kings at that time. On the selection of the soul. It was proved that he had reluctant in obeying the orders of the Yahweh. Moreover he was not wealthiest king to rule the Hebrew in Israel. The king Saul after words, killed in the hands of Palestine, who carried out attack on him. On the issue of his death, there are contradicting version that one group argues that he had been committed suicide and another group says that Saul was not died at the spot where the attack was carried out, but at the hands of his soldier who was helping him to save the life.
The history of the first king how was ended is still in
mystery in absence of any proofs about him and about his assassins at that time. Moreover the wealthiest man among the Hebrews to rule as a king under the command of Yahweh was an essential condition to become their king. It established that the wealth and abeyance of the orders of the Yahweh were the preconditions for selection of any king for the Hebrew tribes at that time.
The military ruler, the king David is known in the history of the Hebrews proved the essentialities of their state to fulfill the needs of the people at that time, in his reign of forty years. His merits are not new to the world to remind but it is needed to discuss about the relationship of the people with the kingship, maintenance of temple relations with the king and the expeditions against the other states will give us some important conclusions about the nature of the society and
their needs at the time of the king David.
As a mighty ruler of the kingdom of Israel, he defeated Palestine and he expanded his kingdom into the empire. He made Jerusalem as capital for his empire by uniting some tribes into one empire, with his force. He killed twenty two thousand Syrians and captured the places of Palestinians. He got the name of uniting the small enemies of Hebrew people into his empire. He took up many works for construction works at Jerusalem, and he built a centre of worship in his empire. In the matter of the court affairs, the local elders were acted as judges in the cases and they had been restricted to deal the cases in proper way by putting the law for them to throw away in case of bribes in their duties. The king was the applet authority upon the judgments of the cases by these judges in Israel. The king was the war leader with
mighty forces, in the Israel with the war lords, to look after all the affairs of the kingship, besides all the duties. The duty of the king was to appoint the lords to the priests for the implementation of the Moses’ laws in the temples what the king David constructed during his life time.
The king and his duties once were in accordance with the Yahweh was changed from the earlier king to the present king, David in a span of a short period in the history of Israel. Now the king David had been proved the real king and enjoyed the maximum support of his people in his empire. There was the provision to appoint the gatekeeper who looks not to enter unclean into the temple .however the king David had developed Israel as an empire with some little deviations of the wishes of the Yahweh, but he led the transition of the tribal society into a perfect monarchy in the
system of governance.
It is no need to remind that the ‘state’ of Israel under command of the king David did not face any defeat in his reign of forty years. setting aside his eldest son, and the stories about the Bathsheba’s promise, the king David had made his son king in the presence of the priest , his son Solomon whose rule could be in 967 b. c. e was not much successful in dealing the foreign affairs of this empire. On the growing of the state Israel, the neighboring states were eager to come over into its affairs on his weakness in the governance. His name is still known with the name of Solomon temple in Jerusalem. The Solomon temple was built in 1000b c e. in Jerusalem.
The developments and expansion of the king’s subjects were already taken place during the period of the king David and he took out further with the same spirit
and zeal in the interest of the Judaism in Jerusalem. The neighboring kingdoms were equally ambitious to attack his kingdom and plunder the wealth from his empir
have spent a lot at the cost of my dad while my olden days, and got some degrees in education without knowing its value and validity at that time and continued the same habit at my own cost since then that time to present now.And i saw and realized that my life is spent out in the search to know the society,state,and about the people from the ancient civilizations to the present clock-like capitalism as well as about myself too. At last i satisfied myself that i know what i wanted to know that what i am now, is a subject to u all to know.Do u want to judge the whole thing in seconds?But i estimate u in single part of the second before your judgement about me ayub mohammed
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