How is a dvd is made? Not a movie or copying but from scratch. Oil, plastic etc etc.?
Question by jillbear22: How is a dvd is made? Not a movie or copying but from scratch. Oil, plastic etc etc.?
I need to find out how an actual dvd is produced. Like what goes into making it. How it is made, how it goes from plastic, oils and such into a dvd. Its for a documentary a friend of mine is working on. Trying to add this into it. Please let me know if you know or if you know a website i could find it on. I searched everywhere and i cant find it.
Thanks a lot =)
Best answer:
Answer by water_skipper
CDs and DVDs are similar, but CDs are simpler so I’ll explain CDs first. The clear part of a CD you can see is a plastic called polycarbonate. There are two types of CDs: the pressed kind and the burned kind. The difference is what the next layer is made of. For the burned kind, the next layer is a light sensitive dye. For the pressed kind, the next layer is metal. This layer is where the information is stored. All that carbonate just gives the disk strength and protects it. The last layer is lacquer, which is the side the label attaches to.
DVDs are similar, but they have two layers of metal or dye and the information is written tinier so squeeze in more information per layer.
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