How is movie’s like shrek made. i want to get into digital 3d movie making but want more details in it?
Question by Tommy D: How is movie’s like shrek made. i want to get into digital 3d movie making but want more details in it?
just small movies not like long ones that you need a team for
Best answer:
Answer by vtothef
You need to have very expensive computer programs to make a film like that.
If you really want to know how a film like that is made, buy the dvd, and check out the bonus features. The older ones like Toy Story have great features about the computer programs they used and invented to make the films look the way they do. It is very complicated.
Good dvds to check out for computer animation info: Toy Story (The Complete Toy Box Edition), Shrek (2 disc edition), and Lord Of The Rings (Extended DVD edition), as well as the Star Wars prequels.
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