how long was the longest love-making session in history?
Question by joe snidegrass: how long was the longest love-making session in history?
from 1989-1991 my live in lover, roommate, landlady, friend,
wife for 2 months, had 3 sessions that lasted five days each.
little mini-breaks. they were 3 marathons. during the middle
one i had to put her in a hospital so she would not die of
exhaustion and psychosis, and the lust. ya know i wonder
if she really loved me, or if she was just sexmad. she is now
53, i’m 55. she’s had abortions, quite a number of them.
but she might have a secret love child from her teens . she had
a terrible head trauma at age 8, almost died. doctors say
this is what caused her nymphomania. she was an actress
much of the time. i was an actor from 8-14. we were in
a movie called studs lonigan in 1960 together. she was 7 i
was 9. playing the lead characters in a brief flashback to their
childhood. she stayed in all that stuff. it was too weird for me,
i’m glad i left show biz at age 14. just too bizarre show biz is.
Best answer:
Answer by Patience G
i dont know
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