how might i make this movie prop? need for school project. retractable hockey stick?
Question by : how might i make this movie prop? need for school project. retractable hockey stick?
me and a few friends are making a movie for a school project, it can be about anything so we chose to make a spec ops war movie. its coming along nicely but its missing some originality. one of our “solders” is Canadian (not really but its part of the story) so we though we should make a hockey stick with a blade. we want it to be about 1 foot long until you hit a button making it actual length. it would just be for the movie, so it only needs to work once. i really like the idea but hockey sticks aren’t cheap enough to just cut up like that. what i want to happen is it be small enough to fit in a small area like on a belt or in the tac vest but extend to 3-5 feet fast like a switch blade kinda. any advice on how to do it? i think its a cool idea, russian spetznaz use shovels so why can’t our canadian use a special hockey stick? idk it might offend someone but common. do they make a hollow hockey stick that’s really cheap that i can cut up and put a spring.
Best answer:
Answer by Kathy
If you live near a rink ask about buying a broken stick. If it’s just a prop you might be able to repair it enough to use it. You might also check to see if you can buy one of the mini sticks like they give away at the games sometimes
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