How Movies Effectively Brainwash Us


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How Movies Effectively Brainwash Us

Did you know that movies are one of the best brainwashing tools available?

Movies are such a powerful brainwashing tool that the American government has outlawed the insertion of hidden advertisements into the movie reel. Watch Hannah Montana: The Movie Online Free

Theaters used to splice the movies with advertisements for soda and popcorn into the films, to encourage movie goers to buy more condiments.

Ads appeared for a fraction of a second, a duration to short to actually see, but a duration long enough to register in our subconscious.

Movies effectively guide our decision making by promoting the coolness of a manner


of speaking, walking, and even our lovemaking.

How many of us without realizing base our decisions on the actions of an actor in a movie.

Many social commentators even attribute criminal actions to the actions of criminals seen in movies.

Even when a movie does not directly influence our decision making process, it can still have a very strong indirect effect. Watch Hannah Montana: The Movie Online Free

For instance, if a country was perceived in a dangerous fashion, many tourists will seek avoid it when planning their next trip. Even though they recognize that the movie was simply fiction, feelings of dread associated with the country


will linger in people who watched the film.

How many people have stayed away from Mexico after seeing the story line of kidnaping in Man On Fire?

Movies are also used as marketing tools by placing products in the story line.

For instance, in the Transformer movie a Chevy Camaro was used as the main Transformer.

Millions of fans will now associate the Chevy Camaro with a fun filled, greater than life experience.

Movies can influence our thoughts even if we are aware of their brainwashing effect, so it is important to know beforehand what kind of a movie we are about to watch, and what its potential effect is on us. Watch Hannah


Montana: The Movie Online Free

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