How probable is it to get accepted after being deferred?
Question by Patrick Snow: How probable is it to get accepted after being deferred?
I recently got deferred from Early Action at MIT. I know it’s a very competitive pool, so there won’t be as much tough competition with the RD crowd, and I feel I have reason to be hopeful of getting accepted later on. But many of my friends are telling me that there is usually very little chance of getting accepted after deferral. How many deferred students do top schools like MIT end up accepting? I believe I have 4.4 GPA on a scale of 5.0 (it’s kinda confusing because I go to a bilingual school) as well as 2280 (800 math / 750 CR / 730 writing) SAT and 800 physics / 770 math II / 700 english lit / 800 french language subject tests. My extra-currics are comic reading/drawing (with two 3-hour per week 1-trimester long comic drawing courses) movie-making (one 4-hour per week 1-trimester long movie course) tennis (I play for fun, but also went to a 3-week camp at barcelona last summer) moutaineering (hiking/skiing my two favorite sporting activities) and a bit of art stuff here and there (I gave in my favorite productions in a portfolio, including the comics I drew). I know my extra-currics aren’t as good as some of the stuff other applicants have, but do you think I should be hopeful still?
I forgot to add that I wrote some stuff for the school newspaper and I conducted an interview for an online newspaper of a cosmologist.
Best answer:
Answer by Ken
I’m not exactly sure what the percentage of admittance for deffered students in RD is, but visit the official MIT admissions information from last year at
That being said, based on what you gave me, I would say that you a have a very decent chance of getting in next round, better than most. Remeber that grades, though important, are definitely not everything.
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